Written : Dec. 11-12, 18, 2013, Jan. 12, 2014
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These are my perceptions in this blog, not a recitation of current history, nor an attempt to prove my points beyond a reasonable doubt (but, under the First Amendment, you are free to disagree!). I suggest some patterns I noticed of late, in this post, and in the previous post, part I. I ask that you forget about previous presidents and hear me out.
6. Gen. Petraeus scandal: President Obama implied to Chuck Todd (NBC News) of the David Petraeus / Paula Broadwell affair/scandal that his administration had “not been told,” coincidentally, until two days after the 2012 election! Who knew? Not the president.

I had no idea...
7. Benghazi Scandal 1: Four Americans died in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012 (the anniversary of 9/11), after Ambassador Stevens requested help from the U.S. The Obama Administration didn’t increase security for the diplomatic mission ahead of time, even though the Muslim Brotherhood was on the rise there. All the president’s men and women blamed the attack on an outrageous video. They apparently don’t know a terrorist attack when they see one – or did they cover it up? No one at the White House still appears eager to investigate. “What difference, at this point, does it make?” said his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, when she testified before Congress. Hmmm.

Despite President Obama’s claim that he won’t rest until we find out what happened, his administration seemed to say, ’Who cares?’
8. Benghazi Scandal 2: President Obama campaigned on the slogans, “Bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive,” and “Al Qaeda is on the run.” So, the Obama Administration sent U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice on the Sunday TV news shows less than 2 weeks before the 2012 presidential election. One must question their motivation. Why did President Obama send Ms. Rice out there? After campaigning on “Mission Accomplished” for squelching Al Qaeda and terrorism, the administration had to sell the fact that the mission in Benghazi was attacked due to Libyan reaction to an offensive video. They needed to deny the terrorism. Later, the president said that Susan Rice had nothing to do with Benghazi. So, using my left-wing teaching to question everything and speak truth to power, I must then ask, “Why did President Obama put her out there in the first place?”

Why did Susan Rice repeat the same, incorrect story on all 5 shows?
With Secretary of State Hillary Clinton along side, the president said over a year ago, “make no mistake, we will work with the Libyan government to bring to justice the killers who attacked our people.” To date, no one has been prosecuted, arrested, or even accused. If you say that these things take time, then give President Bush the same courtesy, since those pesky WMD’s, hidden by Saddam Hussein, can still turn up. (These things, too, take time, right?) By the way, Susan Rice turned out to be wrong, but was rewarded by the president anyway, when he appointed her to National Security Advisor during his second term.

Yes, why?
9. Obamacare failure 2: Millions of us already lost our doctors and our health care policies, even if we liked them. Costs are increasing for people in most states. Yet, President Obama claimed (many times, repeatedly), that his law will save the average family of four thousands of dollars. He said, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. PERIOD.” And, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan. PERIOD.” No disclaimer. …To be clear, when you say, “period,” you mean what you said is final, the truth, intractable. The president apparently didn’t know that people would be forced to give up their perfectly good and well-liked policies in favor of much more expensive ones. How did he not know? This is his signature law!

Even CNN knows.
10. Surveillance: Showing anger over President Bush’s surveillance policies, Sen. Barack Obama sarcastically accused the former president of spying on American citizens. To the dismay of the left, the Obama Administration collects many more times the data than the Bush Administration, and is building a mammoth facility in Utah to store even more. Everything will be collected, except phone records, which were recently declared illegal by a judge. (I am not against collecting data, BTW, if it is not used in nefarious ways, but how we prevent it is debatable.) Does President Obama know anything about this? Well, if not, I’m sure he’ll find out about it one day while watching TV.

President Obama’s Utah Data Center - I’ll bet you could store some data there!
President Obama says he takes full responsibility for everything, and will get to the bottom of all the scandals, but he never does anything about them. No conclusion is ever reached, one ever gets fired, nobody is ever held accountable, and our president never seems to know much of what’s going on around him. He delegates most of the work, but, boy, as the left complained about President Bush, he sure plays a lot of golf!
Democrats Against Agenda 21
Stopping the UN in the Southwest
Please enjoy my previous posts related to U.N. Agenda 21:
From the Left to the Right - Agenda 21 Post #1, 2/28/12
From the Left to the Right - Agenda 21 Post #2, 3/27/12
From the Left to the Right - Agenda 21 Post #3, 4/17/12
From the Left to the Right - Agenda 21 Post #4, 7/10/12
From the Left to the Right - Agenda 21 Post #5, 10/30/12
From the Left to the Right - Agenda 21 Post #6, 12/04/12
From the Left to the Right - Agenda 21 Post #7, 01/08/12
From the Left to the Right - Agenda 21 Post #8, 06/12/13
From the Left to the Right - Agenda 21 Post #9, 06/18/13
From the Left to the Right - Agenda 21 Post #10, 06/26/13
Obamacare explained in one long sentence
Jon Stewart finds intolerance at the DNC
The Government Can
Scroll down: Rosa Koire explains Agenda 21
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Keywords: Conservatism, Conservative blog, Mark A. Cohen, From the Left to the Right, President Obama, Benghazi, IRS scandal, Petraeus, Health Care, Obamacare, Susan Rice
Keywords: "Conservatism", "Conservative blog", "Mark A. Cohen", "From The Left to the Right", “President Obama”, “Benghazi”, “IRS scandal”, “Petraeus”, “Health Care”, “Obamacare”, “Susan Rice”
Mark A. Cohen will soon be a published author, as the Castle Rock Writers are under contract to write and publish The Chronicles of Douglas County, Colorado, in 2014.
Mark A. Cohen is currently seeking representation for his memoir, From The Left to the Right.
Mark A. Cohen is currently represented by book agent Katharine Sands, of the Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency, for a joint venture with published author Sarah Darer Littman on a project which will detail the ins and outs of dollar bill tracking on WheresGeorge.com.
Mark A. Cohen is a member of and helps run the Parker Writers Group (Check out their Facebook page here)
Or, see the Parker Writers Group Web page here
Mark A. Cohen’s web site, www.mark-cohen.com, is up, but still under construction…please continue to bear with me! (I find difficulty in doing it all… someday…)
Mark A. Cohen is a member of the Castle Rock Writers, their web page is here. Please check out their web page, and The Castle Rock Writers Facebook page is here – please ‘like’ it!
Mark A. Cohen currently sits on the committee which hosted the previous Castle Rock Writers Conference on October 23, 2013. He is currently their Vice-Treasurer. The group, whose motto is Rock Solid Writing, is seeking its 501c3.
The Castle Rock Writers will hold their next, low-cost Castle Rock Writers Conference on Saturday, October 4, 2014 (Ten, Four), at the Douglas County Events Center in Castle Rock, Colorado. Please visit The Castle Rock Writers web page. Registration for the next conference is not open yet.
Mark A. Cohen plans to speak at the Douglas County Republicans’ First Friday Breakfast sometime in 2014.
Mark A. Cohen plans to speak at the Parker Writers Group meeting on July 13, 2014.
Mark A. Cohen spoke for about 20 minutes at the Coffee4Conservatives meeting at the Firehouse on State Road 83, in Franktown, CO, on Oct. 21, 2012.
Mark A. Cohen spoke for about 30 minutes at the Douglas County Republicans’ First Friday Breakfast in Parker, CO, held at The War Horse Inn, on Dec. 2, 2011.
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